Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Saylor + NCCRS: Dynamic Credit Duo!

It's official, +The Saylor Foundation  has announced transfer credit agreements with seven colleges/universities benefiting students who have taken and passed three of their National CCRS credit-recommended courses! This is a significant step for nontraditional higher education, because such partnerships solidify the granting of actual college credit for nontraditional learning and show the benefit of collaborative work among the Saylor Foundation, accredited colleges and universities and, yours truly, NCCRS!

"These recommendations by NCCRS are already widely recognized," said Devon Ritter, credit pathways program administrator at, "but the commitments by these seven institutions relieve students of the burden of uncertainty. If you apply and are accepted in a program of study with these schools, your applicable credits come with you." (c) Business Wire 2013

To read more of the article, click here.

Written by Simone Arrington, @NCCRS Marketing Intern, @SimoneArrington

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