Wednesday, April 3, 2013

College Credit? We've Got That!

The national focus on college completion has renewed an interest in prior learning assessment and alternative degree pathways. One exciting benefit is that college and university acceptance of National CCRS credit recommendations is on the rise!

Here are some impressive statistics from National CCRS member organizations: 

“The JATC of the Elevator Industry, IBEW, and Local Union #3 has issued 286 transcripts in January 2013 and 284 transcripts in June 2012…. I applaud National CCRS….for their commitment and oversight which will help to ensure that the integrity of these programs is consistently maintained.”

“Ramapo for Children has issued 400 transcripts since 2008; 202 of these were for students working on our campus in Ramapo’s summer camp in Rhinebeck, NY and 198 were for students who participated in our courses in the NYC Metropolitan area.”

- Lisa Tazartes, Director of Training, Ramapo for Children

“Approximately 350 transcripts were issued in 2012.  Most transcripts were sent to John Jay College of Criminal Justice where many FDNY/EMS employees are pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree.”

- Jacqueline Merveil of the New York City Fire Department

Rabbi Chaim Estrin of Yeshivas Toras Moshe issues about 100 transcripts per year. Most of their students receive credit through Excelsior College which, he reports, “has always accepted all of our credits and when any issues come up they are easy to work with and we have been well supported by National CCRS.”  Yeshivas Toras Moshe students have also had transcripts accepted at Queens College, Brooklyn College, Yeshiva University, Touro College,  University of Pennsylvania, Baruch College, York College, and Columbia Law School.

Chief Leonard Bozza of the Nassau County Fire Service Academy reports that 72 transcripts were issued in 2012. His firefighters have received credit from Nassau Community College, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Molloy College, Empire State College, Long Island University and Excelsior College.

In addition, The New York City District Council of Carpenters has issued hundreds of transcripts since their first National CCRS evaluation in 2007. And the BEST news for last: Dale Carnegie has issued almost 6,500 transcripts to date through Excelsior College and the New York State Department of State issued 3,277 for their Family Development Credential.

As you can see, National CCRS credit recommendations are being used every day to help students obtain college credit. We applaud our member organizations for helping students save significant time and money on their path to degree completion.

If you or someone you know has successfully obtained collegiate credit by using National CCRS credit recommendations and is in the midst of pursuing a degree, we would love to hear your student success story! If interested, send us your story at

Written by Simone Arrington, @NCCRS Marketing Intern, @SimoneArrington

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